Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Only through time

It is surely odd
that a person
has to reach
a certain age
to understand
that those things
they strove for the most
were the least important.

We arrive with nothing
but a vessel
to traverse the space of life
and we leave it with about the same.
Nothing left to history,
no history left to humanity,
no humanity left on a planet,
that also must continue its course.

We are here for just a brief hiatus
in a thought of God
of a road we traverse,
our steps are the reason
we live,
our life a reason in itself.

How gratifying to look back
on our lives
knowing that although
we missed many chances
there were many we took
advantage of
and their fruits lay
gracing our road.

®Roberto Isaza
July 11, 2003


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