Friday, December 17, 2010


 Walk in beauty, 
 always Be well.

 On beautiful sunny days 
when the spirit rejoices 
with blue skies
 and split decissions,
 smile with the beauty 
indisputable of the wind. 

 On dark days 
with tears falling rain
 heavy on the soul 
rejoice that we exist 
 to live them. 

 Go to the creature nearest you
 wonder in the wonders of existence
 that plant is there
 because you are here, 
despite your being there, 

 That you are here right now,
 and this reaches out to you
 in this white space of blank paper 
thoughts flowing like spilled ink, 
and I was able to talk to you
 through the tunnels 
and echoes of time 
is more than a miracle itself. 

 LIFE is supreme miracle
 a privilege to share
 from my universe to yours.
 Smile through your tears
 let darkness dissipate
 for we have
 the most loving gift of all

 November 23, 2010


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