The best of the best to you...
(c) Roberto Isaza
Happy Father’s Day
Thank you, dad
for bringing me here
to experience,
to live, to love.
So much is your love
so much is mine,
so grateful for all
you’ve given me,
so wantful
for all you didn’t.
May this day be yours
may it tenfold reflect
your effort invested.
It’s so much
that we love you,
so much you loved,
that missing you
is all the deeper
the wound always raw.
You are honored
and will always be
through your children
and your children’s children.
We love you forever,
Happy Father’s Day.
© Roberto Isaza
June 18, 2005
In loving memory of my dad, Hernando Isaza (1933-1992)
and my Abuelo Julio Isaza who was my father/mother in
the years that mattered most (1892-1978).
Happy belated Father's day. You have a beautiful family.
I lost my father at age 15. At the time, I was a rebellious teenager, and didn't appreciate all that my dad had done for me. I resented his overprotectiveness at a time when I was trying to become free and "independent."
It is only now, over 30 years later, that I can really look back and reflect on all the things my dad did for me that make him live on through me. He taught me how to read before I learned it in school, and this head start is one of the things, I am convinced, that eventually led me to become a writer. He, like you, was a gifted photographer, but never shared his work with anyone but his family. He loved to take pictures of me--and now I have mementos of myself from infancy up that live on thanks to him. These and many other things he taught and shared with me make me understand more deeply how great an influence he was on my life, and continues to be.
Thank you Elvira for the good wishes and the comment. I too lost my Abuelo, who was my mother and father when I was 16. He taught me to work with my hands and value my work as well as that of others. He was a poet and lead a life of adventure. He was a very strict person and did not really know how to talk about personal feelings, so I realized he loved me a good 8 years after he died. But I count it as a great blessing that I ended up with him as my mentor. And futher blessed that they live in me. Thank you again so much for helping me with picture posting on the blog, It's a blessing that I have taken pictures of my thoughts and thoughts about my pics.
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