Something's not right

Something's not right
it's something
that grabs the attention
not letting go
until expressed.
A beautiful world
no matter what mess
we make of it.
The world is beautiful
by principle.
On a basic level
life is
what we give to it
good, bad,
or un-flavored.
Fact is
I inhabit
a shred of
a reality
I share with you..
We live
in one of the possibilities
that history's allowed
the reality
we now share.
And there are children
and there is beauty
all priceless
and all could disappear
just because
of a coin.
Something's not right, there
people may live
or die
because of money,
something's not right.
Many $weat it deep
$ome get it cheap
but how can it be
the value of
a sunset,
or a rise?
A life?
A life!!
Yet we're bought and sold
every day of our lives
we buy and sell them
a sunset,
or a rise?
A life?
A life!!
Yet we're bought and sold
every day of our lives
we buy and sell them
We support this system
and when confronted
with the expansive
net of the world
and countless jail phones
and e-mails or fe-mailes
Money . com
all around.
And bigger and smaller
scurrying along
are we going to survive?
Should we?
© Rob
September 28, 2006