Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A Jewel for my Love
(c) Roberto Isaza

This Could Be God

This random electricity
coursing through my brain
creating thoughts
and lives
and moments to be lived.

What should it be called?

Random spurts
of creative, creational

...or direct purpose
of something more
than a dream,

We communicate
with something much more
than a language
or shared dreams.

We share always forward
sharing the past
and the everpresent.

That must truly be ...

© Roberto Isaza
June 29, 2005

Monday, June 27, 2005

What's left of our picnic lunches
(c) Roberto Isaza takes one to know one
(c) Roberto Isaza

The Passion of an Image

The passion of an image
that life burned into your mind
with the longing
of keeping it forever,
of sharing it
with the world
as the only form
of retribution.

It is not the hope
of fame or name,
but the sheer ecstasy
of touching others
with that
which has touched you,
with creating an experience
of your experience.

The warmth of the image
that burned a plate
as it inflames your spirit
for an eternal instant
where suddenly
you understand
the essence of God,
the meaning of life.

Not in the hope
of transcending
to another plane
of understanding,
but wanting to comprehend
the world about you,
within and without.

This is my requittal
to Life
for giving me
this instant
to share,
to love,
to live

© Roberto Isaza
February 16, 2005

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Welcome all who browse through my files.
This is the nth time I pile thoughts
in a place
that at any moment will disappear.

It can stay in your minds
if any of these thoughts
struck you as coherent,
making sense,
give you a laugh,
a rush, arousal,
hunger ...
Or whatever.

I tend to go on
different paths
so my blogs
are varied in theme.

Anyway, you know,
I do this for me
as much as for you.
Have fun, come often,
drop a line
right there below
yup, a little to the right
aha, click on that wordie
that says comments
and comment.
Be well, rob
(c) Roberto Isaza

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Frm top counter-clockwise, Jordan and Gabriel (sons) Maria Paula (sis's niece). Kelly (older sis) and me at NY Aquarium, under the waterfall. Great father's day.
(c) Roberto Isaza

Profile of a wonder
(c) Roberto Isaza

Monday, June 20, 2005

The best of the best to you...
(c) Roberto Isaza

Happy Father’s Day

Thank you, dad
for bringing me here
to experience,
to live, to love.

So much is your love
so much is mine,
so grateful for all
you’ve given me,
so wantful
for all you didn’t.

May this day be yours
may it tenfold reflect
your effort invested.

It’s so much
that we love you,
so much you loved,
that missing you
is all the deeper
the wound always raw.

You are honored
and will always be
through your children
and your children’s children.

We love you forever,
Happy Father’s Day.

© Roberto Isaza
June 18, 2005

In loving memory of my dad, Hernando Isaza (1933-1992)
and my Abuelo Julio Isaza who was my father/mother in
the years that mattered most (1892-1978).

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I Don’t Want To Leave

Sunset of an era
(c) Roberto Isaza

I Don’t Want To Leave

Look at this sunset
it is only for you.
Look at the splatters
of raindrops
on the sills of heaven,
on sills from the heavens.

Look very carefully
may be the last thing
you see.
No guarantee
to live ‘ till tomorrow,
only an ever-present now.

Look very closely
at all {that} you see,
watch the clues
of creation.
Filling us now
always at now
as fragile as footsteps
in the snow.

As corporeal
as sea foam
trailing the ferry
on the wings
of waves
here and gone
in an instant
but enough
to engage
my attention.

I come to die here

I don’t want to die,
I love you so much
my gentle loved ones.
I am not afraid
I ... just ... love you
so much,
and don’t want to leave
leave you, leave me.

But I’m not afraid
thanks to your love
I will never fear again.

The attack on us
is a sad event
and thousands
will lose our lives
all in the line
of duty.
And those many of us
who die here, today,
will have done so
not because
of the attack
but because
we were not prepared.

A fire in the building
would have still
been a disaster.
How can anyone here
get past the flames
from the 37th floor
and above.
The stairs? Pah.
The flames feed
off my air!

If you have the technology
to build so high
you have the means
to save me.
Why don’t you do it?
And don’t give me
the excuse
of the fucking bottom line
what my life is worth
at this moment
is these towers
and all those souls
that inhabit it.

The bottom-line
is Bull-shit!
I work so hard
and this is what I get?
I see the aftermath,
If I give you this
can you settle for that?
That too
will be gone,
and War.

Who do we hit?
Who hit us?
And the hitting
will never stop.
Not in my name, Pal.
Let me weep a little,
then let me go.

© Roberto Isaza
June 16, 2005

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Pit stop

Life Is For Everyone

Grab what you can
with your mouth
and your hands

seize with your eyes
what you can
and cannot touch

hog what you may
with your mind
and your brain.

Embrace all the rest
with your heart
and your soul.

(c)Roberto Isaza

the dream
of this life
that we have let
take over
this stage
of evolution
should not
be a nightmare

life is no trap
it must not be
any other way

why let it be
that we slave
to a master
when this labor
will benefit
no one

in the long run
all tyrants
have died out
as well
as the oppressed
and the heroes

every one
of the members
of the jury
who sentenced
to death
is dead now

death is the end
of you
and your power
or your misery

your hopes
your dreams
may live on
but that is notyour concern

our concern now
must be us,
our home,
our place upon
the earth.

© Roberto Isaza
November 2, 1999

(c) Roberto Isaza

One Liberty for everyone.
Grant of freedom from
oppression, speculation, repression,
racism, machism, feminism, exorcism,
persecution, encarceration,
high taxes, low morals,
corrupt leaders, sheepish followers.
(c) Roberto Isaza

Reflections on the Staten Island Ferry, New York
(c) Roberto Isaza
I see you
even when you don't seem
to see me
while traveling
with your life.

I am reflected
like you are
in the clear mirror
that is God's mind,
we may ignore it
or not.

Maybe we'll meet
maybe we won't
only Life knows,
but you already got here,
so speak to me
let me know
how you are
where you go.

Thank you, thank you,
Elvira for giving me pointers
to u/l pictures to my blog.
Now the images
that go with the word
I'm gonna have myself a ball.

Be well, y'all

Only through time

It is surely odd
that a person
has to reach
a certain age
to understand
that those things
they strove for the most
were the least important.

We arrive with nothing
but a vessel
to traverse the space of life
and we leave it with about the same.
Nothing left to history,
no history left to humanity,
no humanity left on a planet,
that also must continue its course.

We are here for just a brief hiatus
in a thought of God
of a road we traverse,
our steps are the reason
we live,
our life a reason in itself.

How gratifying to look back
on our lives
knowing that although
we missed many chances
there were many we took
advantage of
and their fruits lay
gracing our road.

®Roberto Isaza
July 11, 2003

Monday, June 13, 2005



We are all transient beings
on our way to the future.
Journeying between two points
of this material dimension.
We are all made of stardust
and the divine bond
that gave us this trip.
No matter the circumstances
that brought us here,
nor the ones under which we depart,
the only important footprints
are the ones we have made,
are making, and will make
in the snow
without time
just before we leave.

© Roberto Isaza

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Laughing with God

Love is that strange creature
stalking us in the night,
attacking by surprise.
Like a virus it comes
many times
without us knowing
that we have already succumbed
to its clutches.

Even if
we don't know why,
there is a reason
for meeting who we meet.
In the end
all becomes revealed,
we have to act
a lot in faith.

The world is magic,
and therefore
the whole of existence.
Life is the manifest magic
of God.
God must get a blast
at all the derivatives of Creation,
the interaction of an atom,
the exquisite creation
of a flower,
the cyber connection
we now share,
love spilled
over the fields
for centuries,
shared at the beach
extending forever
the reach of Creation.

If God laughs with us,
shouldn’t we be laughing?

© Roberto Isaza
January 24, 2005

Saturday, June 11, 2005

We are

We are

We are constantly validating
in every step
we interact with the world
and its circundating existence.

We validate each other
with the knowing
of our being,
our crossing paths,
the acceptance
of our living
how unavoidable
is our demise.

We are thought
of the purest kind,
fruit of the
eternal mind.
We are the sound
of forever snow,
we are light
from the primeval time,
we are, then we aren’t
who is to know?

We are children
of the Gods
as is everything else,
we are hunger
of understanding,
of stating, of learning.

Why this forever thirst,
if not to fulfil a role,
it hurts in the side like a thorn,
a primal directive
planted in the human consciousness
from even before we were born.

© Roberto Isaza
March 13, 2005

Friday, June 10, 2005

Just Say Something

Just Say Something

If you let me off
I’ll let you on.
The next ride (ferry)
is the one
that’s gonna take me home,
the next train
is mine !
it comes along.
No rushing to catch
no running to get,
the next ride is mine
lest I forget.

I write it down
on this flimsy piece
of cyber-time.
Or on a piece
of paper
time within
worlds with
standin’ within
of the different
Of what we are
and how
when we’re apart.

The skyline dances
within the mirrors
of the clouds,
sailboat’s sails
feathering like darts
the New York harbor.
The whine of
the engines,
Staten Island Ferry.

The sky explodes
my eyes,
clouds feathering,
seagulls following,
Lady Liberty greets me
time after time
after all these years
I still drink to her.

Seagull take me home
to the places I belong,
you have done it
for all these years,
why don’t you do it
some more.

The curuba color
of the setting clouds
outlined in sun,
shaded by others
casts picture like
indelible in your mind:
the water, the ships,
the rainbow, the wall,
Lady liberty all wet,
the Verrazano Narrows bridge
grasping from shore to shore,
cargo ships awaiting
for the morrow.
Who gets
to see these words?
You do
and nobody does.

Darn piece of paper
got lost,
the copy was
lost in cyberspace,
but not from your mind.

What they mean to you
is not nearly
(what) they do to me.

Just say something.

© Roberto Isaza
June 9, 2005

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Sims in writers group

Of a SIMS in a writers group, in it all of the members of the group finally meet in a meadow, this is my part which I can share with you.

Ok, as I said, this is my little trip that now is yours also, btw, I have enjoyed this trip we are sharing, maybe I haven’t said much to praise or comment, but I have you very present in my thoughts, thank you kindly, so here’s sim # n...

...suddenly, a lonely, wistful tune flows like quicksilver through the dusk. Culann and a few of the others felt the song’s words in their mind... “my love, you do me wrong, to treat me so uncourteously,” the tune is so haunting it leaves no room for thought. Silver casts about, trying to find the source of the music. Gregory and RJ spy rob by the Sacred Giant Oak, recorder on hand spewing forth the liquid magic. In the light of the dying bonfire, his face is radiant as if in an ecstatic trance. As the next tune follows, as if a hologram, a scene starts to unfold. Lady wonders, How can he play the recorder and sing at the same time? Culann and Silver recognize what they see as the Cliffs of Doneen. ...But of all the fine places that I've ever been
Sure there's none can compare with the cliffs of Doneen.
Take a view o'er the mountains, fine sights you'll see there
You'll see the high rocky mountains o'er the west coast of Clare
Oh the town of Kilkee and Kilrush can be seen
From the high rocky slopes round the cliffs of Doneen.
Oh, but it’s not only Irish songs, ‘Something’ by ole’ George, may God show him finally the peace he so craved, ...something in the way she woos me, I don’t want to leave her now, you know I believe and how....Darlene cries silently, a tear traveling the curve of her cheek. “I’m finally finding I am home, no matter where I am. I’ll be with Cristal, Dad will be Ok, until he’s not Ok, and so it is with us all. Thank you my brother for fathering Dad for awhile, I’m just so tired and a little guilty for...No! Never guilty. We do what we can... what we must for others, but we also must do what we can for us.” Mathew looks at her full of devotion, lovingly tracing the tear’s path. “Are you Ok?” Darlene melts into his caress, basking in the feeling of being completely in love. “Yes, love. The music got to me in a beautiful yet sorrowful way, that tear was of Joy, I know I am home now with you, with my earthly family swathing me in their love. Things are as they must be now and forever. The tear is sorrow, tomorrow we must all move along. I would love to have the power of giving people the world over who are now suffering a night like tonight. God thank you for this extra time you have granted me to share yet another gift. Such peace, such quiet, such...Hey, where’s the music coming from, I wonder....let’s go see!” “But I thought you were tired, my love...”
I was, but we have rested some, let’s go see what those lovely looneys are up to.” Taking his hand, she kisses it, and as the warmth spreads through him in waves of the tremendous capacity for love that his Queen has, “I’ll travel with her to the end of the world, and if this were my last instant, I’d go happily, in the little time that we have shared, I have received more love than in my whole life. As they walked toward the fire, the last of the melody lingers in the air as someone who said much, but has not yet said it all. The smiles on everyone’s face says more than words could ever recall, we are ecstatic and grateful (and a little bit stoned), to be able to regroup together in this orgy of fantasies, where we finally met each other and found that their on-line persona was as sincere as their real selves, no false projections.
Pamelita, shuffles over to Darlene, radiant in her peace, guitar in hand. “There are a couple of country songs that I’ve been working on, mommy, can we produce them once and for all?” Darlene thinks it’s a good idea and anyway, Rob’s taking a break. He wanders over with his pipe trailing that incense-like smoke. Of course, he smokes his drink. He sits on the ground, recorder neatly slipped in his waistband, near Culann, presiding the pavilion, the scars of his battles giving his face a look of fierceness. Darlene and Pamelita’s voices complement and enhance each other, and the sisters voices are chorusing to form a mesh that surrounds the pavilion cocooning us all within.
Rob offers Culann his pipe. “What, a peace pipe?” I really don’t indulge in the wacky weed, but....
Rob: “You want it to be the peace-pipe, sure why not. Let it be the peace pipe. I have no peace to make with you, I never had a fight.” (Culann smiles to himself, he had seen this coming). “This peace I share with you” drink a smoke, man. If you are not used to it, a little won’t scramble your brain, to me, it’s inspiration. I’ll tell you what our problem was, Chuck, you are so like my grandfather, a bit arrogant, you believe you are better than others, and why not? You are, and you won’t say this openly, but you will if they rattle your chain. I should know, he raised me. And yes, I batted horns with him as he was the only role-model I had, and the only authority to rebel against. But under that stoic facade, there was a heart bigger than the mountains and more tender than soft baby skin. And that I also saw in you. And that is why now, like it or not, we are family, ok?”
Culann, “At first I thought you were another of those floozies that abound in the writers groups. Pasting some old poem or writing and expecting everyone to praise you and say “how pretty!”, I’ve come across so many of far as I’m concerned, it’s just masturbation.”
Rob, “Hey, don’t knock it, masturbation is a valid form of pleasure.”
Culann, “Yes, but isn’t better than the ‘real thing’.”
Country voices soar in the air like Aurora Borealis coloring the scene, Mommy, Pamel, and the sisters are having a grand ole’ time, Bear and Billy give deep tones to the musical fabric.
Rob, “it might not be as good as the real thing, but sometimes there’s no better. You see, it’s funny but I’d have these funny discussions with my dad, like once he was telling me not to go around home naked (we lived in an Island in the Caribbean, out of the city amid native islanders, lots of room between houses) because the neighbors always had someone looking out their window to see what others were doing. Hell, this is my freedom, I didn’t ask the neighbors to be out looking, and so if they need to see something, they might as well see something! I’m not an exhibitionist, I don’t derive a secret thrill, -or maybe a little- from others seeing me naked, I just love to be, never wore anything to sleep, unless I was made to. Then he would start with morality. -Crap, morality is crap-. Dad would then go on with, there have to be a set of preambles and stops to guide us or it would be Anarchy. -Well, why then can’t a person go around naked or is wearing a bikini to the beach better than going naked?-
Because then, you can undress her in your imagination. -Yes, and then make love to her in your imagination, what a waste of time! That’s so much hypocrisy. Typical of our society: let’s make noise about something stupid, like we saw Marylin’s panties, let’s not think of Viet-nam, or our children dying on foreign soil for a cause that is not even ours. Look, if the neighbor sees me naked around the house, she can either ignore me or enjoy the view.”
Culann, “ok, Rob, we’re going to agree to disagree, let me have that piece of pipe and smoke another drink.”
As the last waves of angelic melodies wash over everyone, Rob pulls out his recorder and starts weaving a melody that all recognize, some hum and break into song
An Irish Lullaby
Me Mither sang a song to me
In tones so sweet and low.
Just a simple little ditty,
In her good ould Irish way,
And l'd give the world if she could sing
That song to me this day.

"Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Too-ra-loo-ra-li,
Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, hush now, don't you cry!
Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, Too-ra-loo-ra-li,
Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral, that's an Irish lullaby."

Oft in dreams I wander
To that cot again,
I feel her arms a-huggin' me
As when she held me then.
And I hear her voice a -hummin'
To me as in days of yore,
When she used to rock me fast asleep
Outside the cabin door.
We look at each other and know the time to head for dreamland is come. So much we’ve learned in the past few hours and looking toward the heavens we give thanks, humbled by the great celestial sight, to have been granted this time to be with each other, to share as we had never shared before, to acknowledge each other as great and worthy of being called “my friend, my love.”

Saturday, June 04, 2005


This connection
that I have through
this magic cyber-space
has transcended beyond
the point of mere diversion,
and of investigation.

To become a medium
of creation, a white page
in your virtual typewriter,
a need
to be connected
with friends and family.

I stopped using Amonline,
and went over
to free internet
from BlueKy-mart,
and Netzorro,
with tons of adds instead
of space to create.
Then came Metconnect
free web for free!
Whole screen,
complete access,

With a butt,
2 phone lines
working most of the time,
but when they don’t...
Can’t visit
my writers family,
can’t blogg,
no porn.

I can’t get on!
It’s been 3 days!
Am I addicted
to the connection
through the
Years of habit
make an addiction...
You betcha..

I wonder
what’s going on
with all these people
whom I only know
through their on-line persona,
I’m stuck
between reality
and reality
that is virtually

Two feelings
akin to on-line illness,
getting “Das Boot”,
and this not connecting,
this is worse,
magnitudes worse.

The on-line connection magic,
I am me and I’m me!
A tiny speck
in the immense fabric
of the net,
among billions
forming a global tribe,
so many possibilities.

This is not so different
from physical life,
there’re millions of people
on the planet,
needing a catalyst
to open up
to strangers.

The net allows us
to lay bare our souls
and get published
at the tap of a button,
the click of a mouse,
a simple “yes”
on voice recognition technology.

It allows us a freedom
of movement
to go from here
to wherever
in electronic self.

Now I’ve fallen
through a temporal anomaly.
The year is 1983,
San Andres Island
in Jack’s computer class.
The computer is huge,
already booted the thing
by inserting a floppy disc
into the drive,
took it out and inserted
another floppy
with this word-processing program,
not an inkling
of the net-volution to come,
just huge possibilities.

no NET?
I write my heart out,
black-out, 5#*t! 7u4c,
hadn’t saved onto yet
another floppy,
it is lost.
My God!
I’d lost writings before,
but never as fast as this.

Reminded of how long
these words stay
in the overall scheme
of life,
and still,
they must come out
so they can also play
in this plain/plane of thought.

I’m back in the present and still
no connection
3 nights!
No point connecting
this soul
to the thousands
of inhabitants of the NET.
Where is my family?
Whatta life!

And life, how virtual,
full of patterns
that we discern
as a rainbow
connecting angry clouds
and dots
in God’s mind,
nothing compared
to the whole scheme
of the universe.

It means everything
to us.

So, it’s goodbye
to free Met-disconnect,
hello pay Compuserve.
Had to break down
and get back on-line.
I am a

Good night.

© Roberto Isaza
June 2/3/4, 2005