Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A Jewel for my Love
(c) Roberto Isaza

This Could Be God

This random electricity
coursing through my brain
creating thoughts
and lives
and moments to be lived.

What should it be called?

Random spurts
of creative, creational

...or direct purpose
of something more
than a dream,

We communicate
with something much more
than a language
or shared dreams.

We share always forward
sharing the past
and the everpresent.

That must truly be ...

© Roberto Isaza
June 29, 2005


At 10:45 PM, Blogger Rob said...

I love your expressions "...if you held it, it would just melt away in your hand, or dissolve if you breathed on it..." This is what I meant, are we just masturbating or is there a higher purpose to all we do. I don't mind one way or the other, I choose to believe there's a higher meaning to all I do. The pendant is made of the pic of a puddle and ny harbour + statue of liberty sunset from the staten island ferry. What a minute electric reaction in your brain can do, hunh?

At 12:45 AM, Blogger Rob said...

Aha, brain/spirit, I don't care, whatever it is that makes me tick, makes me ... me. Your job is to show to whoever wants to see, your earthly reward spread and receive good karma. And yes, nothing wrong with masturbation, it feels good ... must be good.


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