Reflections...it takes one to know one
(c) Roberto Isaza
The Passion of an Image
The passion of an image
that life burned into your mind
with the longing
of keeping it forever,
of sharing it
with the world
as the only form
of retribution.
It is not the hope
of fame or name,
but the sheer ecstasy
of touching others
with that
which has touched you,
with creating an experience
of your experience.
The warmth of the image
that burned a plate
as it inflames your spirit
for an eternal instant
where suddenly
you understand
the essence of God,
the meaning of life.
Not in the hope
of transcending
to another plane
of understanding,
but wanting to comprehend
the world about you,
within and without.
This is my requittal
to Life
for giving me
this instant
to share,
to love,
to live
© Roberto Isaza
February 16, 2005
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