Wednesday, October 18, 2006

N. Korea apparently preparing nuke test - Yahoo! News

N. Korea apparently preparing nuke test - Yahoo! News

Talk about corraling a crazed animal. While everyone goes bla-bla-bla, he might go bla-bla-BOOM! Getting worse before it gets better. Unfortunately diplomacy is next to non-existent.

Video Channel

Video Channel interview of George Galloway

Esta entrevista a George Galloway, miembro del parlamento britanico se puede ver con sub-titulos en espanol en you-tube aqui.

This is an interview of George Galloway for Sky News.
George Galloway has spoken out in support of Lebanon, saying he believes Hizbollah is justified in attacking Israel. The Respect MP also lambasted media coverage of the war and said the UN resolution means nothing.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Welcome to

Welcome to
I thought I was worried about the overall world situation. Well, here is Michael Moore's page. Sure he's on more than one fat-guy's black-list. You've gotta love this guy ... or really hate his guts.

Monday, October 09, 2006 - Report: North Korea launches 7th missile - U.S.: N. Korea nuclear test 'unacceptable threat' - U.S. issues tougher warning to N. Korea on nuclear test - Chinese analyst: North Korea likely to carry out nuclear test near China border - North Korea urged to cancel nuclear test - North Korea's Kim rallies hundreds of top brass as UN prepares censure - Report: North Korea launches 7th missile - Japanese leader arrives in S. Korea to address N. Korea nuclear test - Talks are 'turning point' for Asian leaders - North Korea says it performed its first-ever nuclear test

Thursday, October 05, 2006 - Thousands nationwide protest Bush - Thousands nationwide protest Bush

How much clearer must a People speak? If you want to read the whole article click the link above. Yet, I need to go over parts of it, let's see...

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Hundreds of people called the Bush administration's policies a crime and held up yellow police tape along a three-block stretch in front of the White House on Thursday as part of a nationwide day of protest against the president."

Gotta be careful ... don't want to end up in Guantanamo. But our Country has lost credibility in the eyes of the world. Now we are seen as an oil-greedy, nosey, imposing, meddling, dumb people. Just look at the aberrant group of lead-ons we have presiding over us.

"White House spokeswoman Nicole Guillemard defended the administration's Iraq policy."

"Our constitution guarantees the right to peacefully express one's views. The men and women in our military are fighting to bring the people of Iraq these same rights and freedoms," she said. "The president believes it is important to stay on the offense in Iraq."

I have the greatest respect for our men and women soldiers, after all they are exposing their lives for the ideal of freedom ... and because they have to repay in some way the bill that got them through college. But, who the hell decided that the best way to defend OUR Country was by imposing our standards of life and government on a people who may not want our way of life in the first place? Our children are dying, their children are dying (Children: the future of our world) and who is really benefiting from their deaths? We had them, raised them, suffered with them, had high hopes for a better life for them, just to have them cut down in the prime of their lives to feed the greed of an oil-power-hungry select group. ENOUGH!!

No more, STOP IT! We are building toward a holocaust of World-wide proportions. There is just so much hate that if left rampant, will end up consuming the whole planet. It is time to STOP!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

New York Daily News - Home - Radioactive 'hot spots' threat to city, study sez

New York Daily News - Home - Radioactive 'hot spots' threat to city, study sez

You can read the whole article through the link above... I don't know, but to me this news is cause for concern...

"WASHINGTON - A helicopter survey revealed 80 radioactive "hot spots" in New York City, including a Staten Island park with dangerously high levels of radium, a congressional report disclosed yesterday."

Surprise, surprise!

"The locations were discovered during a 2005 helicopter sweep by the Department of Energy, paid for by the city with an $800,000 grant from the Department of Homeland Security, to map every radioactive site in the city."

Thank you DHS!

"City officials hope that in the event of a radioactive "dirty bomb" attack, they could quickly identify affected areas by comparing new hot spots with those previously identified on the "radiation map" of the five boroughs."

With our own dumps, why worry of terrorist dirty-bomb attacks? I think we do it pretty well by ourselves. Then, get an inscrupulous developer to build right in the thick of it. When they started urbanizing the area near the Staten Island mall, I thought "Who the hell would want to live near that mound of filth and stinky odorous stenches"(more intense in the Summer)? Well, evidently many because all homes are occupied.

"New York is the only U.S. city to have had an aerial radiation survey conducted. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said yesterday the Bush administration was dropping the ball by not funding similar checks for other cities.
"This is a program that could save lives ... but is instead being shrugged at by the very people who are charged with protecting us," Schumer said."

Another grand surprise, this administration has been one of the most unconcerned with human life, period. OK my scant five cents.