Out of the Darkness
(c) Roberto Isaza
This piece was posted by
RJ Rush in Dreamangels, a writers group that has become more like family to me...
Leave a comment, if you please! An excellent place to ramble, create worlds, plant a seed, share a bit of my mind with you share a bit of your mind with me. I want to embark in this adventure with you, let's see what comes out...lets SEE. If you like, leave a comment at the end of a post...sorta feedback I appreciate inmensely. Sign the guestbook, the guest map, get noticed. Be well, Rob
Today (sat, july 2) I was stopped by a team of undercover cops ... I was taking pics of pigeon nests, shadows, and light posts at the New Dorp train station in Staten Is. Of course the terrorism thing (after 911 anything/everything goes as a reason to stop and harass you). They asked me what I was taking pics of, and I said, of course, shadows, light posts and pigeons ... they asked me for id and showed them my driver's lic (expired in 2002), asked me for more since it's expired ... I said 'aint got none, but I'm still the same and since it's not a driving violation. Anyway, they made a report, hey, the law against taking pics on the train is gone. They know, but expect you don't. That's why they didn't give me a sumons. While his partner was going for the pad, the cop who stayed asked to see the pics, then seeing my Golgotha pic he said, I never would have thought to look at it that way. ‘Course, bub. That’s an artist’s job, to show you what you can’t imagine or what you walk by disregarding the beauty around you. There are the 3 crosses, what else to say? Are ya' gonna crucify me?